Saturday, January 26, 2008

Wake up folks....

"New York's hitting me hard" complained my fren who, very recently has been to States for her further education. I remember the day she was leaving; so very excited and there was so much of zest inside her..Her excitement has lost somewhere in NY...I hope things turn out good for my sweety...

Foreign land lures everyone, especially the young lot in our country because nobody seems to be getting any positive cues staying here.Nothing's on track;education is very very theoretical,job market is not able to accomodate so many people who are looking for a job,the economic condition is everything but booming,political instability has taken its toll...well,i dont blame anybody who opt for greener pastures in a foreign land.But this is the time to sit and talk about the benefits of staying in our own land and the demerits of surruendering oneself to a bunch of foreigners,who think of us nothing more than a blue-collar worker.

I am not against anybody going to foreign land to broaden their knowledge horizons, but i am against all those who are going there to give themselves up.I am not against those who want to learn something valuable and come back and improve our land, but i am for sure against all those who are giving up their knowledge in making hotdogs and pizzas for the so called "foreigners."

Well,the bragging continues,we will keep complaining but what is important for us is to see the positive sides in the life.If there is night, the sun will for sure shine bright in the morning.Will you abandon your mother if she is suffering?So why is it that we dont hesitate when we are abandoning our motherland at a time when she needs us the most?Think over it and answer yourselves!!!

Friday, January 25, 2008


The sun is bright in the sky and i have this urge to go to the terrace and indulge myself in a juicy orange...There is a terrace and the orange can be arranged but i wont feel as content as i felt back home..Days were so much fun then..Not to say i am not enjoying being here, just that being home had its own charm and i am sure each of you will agree with me on this.Momma was always there to do all the pending works...whether it is the clothes strewn across the room or the tea boiling on the stove...she would have no issues at all.I would not have to leave the cozy comfort of my blanket to prepare tea for myself,would not have to wash myself in a hurry to cook breakfast for ,or to iron my clothes.Well,this is what happens when u start taking parents for granted.I enjoy cooking,but for others and not for myself. Every morning i go back to those memories and everyday i miss my momma so much....i better call bye folks and u better respect what your parents do for you!!!

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Goodbye frens

It was year 2003 when we first entered our college premises and were introduced to a whole new world...Life in college was a blend of fun, euphoria, pressure, challenges, frustration, friendship,and celebration.Why cant life always be the way it was at then. Of course i didnt think this way when i was studying, but today i realize that those moments were one of the best parts of life. No matter how much we hated our teachers for pestering us to do assignments, and projects, no matter how much i yelled at my frens for not being any support in report making, no matter how many differences i had with my frens, and no matter how much my I detested getting out of my warm bed and get ready to go to college in the chilly morning,i have loved every moment at college and cherish them.

The people i have met as friends are one kind.They have been with me through my highs and lows and have created numerous memories to last a lifetime. Two of my closest friends are leaving for the US and it aches my heart to see them leave. But i am delighted for them as they are opening a new chapter of their lives. I wish them all the best for their future and want to let them know how special they are for me and that i will always be there for them.

Love you K and A. Will miss you guys!