Monday, December 27, 2010


I am sitting in my temporary office, and have been making an effort since the morning to complete the profile of a politician, but somehow, everytime I click on that document from the bar, my mind gets drifted apart. My concentration is getting wierd, I swear.

The other team members are here and we have been talking. We Nepalese are really opinionated and can really talk. I am actually enjoying the conversation, which is primarily revolving around the constitution. What will the final book look like? After 2 of the CA members died in two separate accidents, we are left with 599 members who will be responsible for finalizing the document. There are so many flaws in the draft constitution and my team leader just informed me that the most sensitive clause regarding citizenship is severely flawed even after innumerable discussion, debates, and what nots. In her words, "We are moving backwards in time." This is scary, really. The issue of citizenship is very sensitive, more than what you and I can understand.

We also talked about the most discussed issue of this decade (at least in our country), The Royal Massacre of 2001. How we three believe that Deependra did not shoot the family. Ha! As if our opinion matters. But nevertheless, we talk about it!

We also believe that NRNs should not be given with dual citizenship because once a person gives up his/her citizenship, that person should no more get the privilege of being a Nepali. We dont believe that a person can be Nepalese by heart. This is a democratic world and a person is free to chose the country s/he wants to live in, but the choice is limited. Only ONE country, my friends! We are happy that the government has decided to give them with identity cards rather than dual citizenship. O our friends around the world, you are now free to make "your" country prosperous through investments..we need them, truly!

We also talk about how our party leaders are manipulated by bideshi forces. I find it funny that how can one country's leaders be manipulated by outsiders. Strange world it is, really. Among the multitude of other issues that we talk about, I am most intrigued by the one regarding the organization called Monsanto and how they destroyed the lives of thousands of farmers in Indian states including Andra Pradesh and Gujarat. Mass suicides happened during the time, just because the notorious Monsanto tried to change India's cotton economy overnight. Do google it, and I am sure you will be baffled and taken aback. Monsanto has come to Nepal, and I am worried.

When I was thinking that I have wasted a day, I am happy that I learnt, a lot!