Tuesday, April 28, 2009


Today, we are supposed to write something on world hunger, on how we can address the problem, and reach a solution to it. I have been wondering since the morning: how can i make a little contribution to the cause-should i not eat the whole day so that my part of the food goes to somebody else? Or should i go somewhere and give food to people who are deprived of it? The first option does not sound very realistic. Even if i don't eat the entire day, there is no guarantee that what i have sacrificed will reach to the needy ones. The second option looks more plausible. I plan to do that today. But this wont help in the long run. I might forget this once April 29 passes. We need to build a more concrete strategy to alleviate the problem.

The foremost reason for the existing status is low production of food that could meet the demand of the growing population. This imbalance between supply and demand creates a shortage and raises the price of the available food...which cannot be afforded by all. I was looking at the statistics related to world hunger and among the many, i found the following the most appalling:

--Every year 15 million children die of hunger-This means that due to world hunger, we lost 15 million brains that could take the world ahead.

--For the price of one missile, a school full of hungry children could eat lunch every day for 5 years-If this is true, why do we value gun power so much? We need to realize how its absence can uplift lives of people...

--One in twelve people worldwide is malnourished, including 160 million children under the age of 5. (Source: United Nations Food and Agriculture)

--Half of all children under five years of age in South Asia and one third of those in sub-Saharan Africa are malnourished.

--About 183 million children weigh less than they should for their age

--To satisfy the world's sanitation and food requirements would cost only US$13 billion- what the people of the United States and the European Union spend on perfume each year.

--Every 3.6 seconds someone dies of hunger

These statistics could take anybody to thinking. How many of us do not waste food? How many of us take for granted what we have? I guess most of us, including me.

I had received an e-mail from a friend who lives in India.A local NGO has taken a wonderful initiative to pacify the situation.If there is food left after lunch or dinner that the family plans to dump,they could rather call the NGO, and they would send their volunteer to collect the food and make it available to people who have to go to bed with empty bellies.They have volunteers spread over the city and food could be collected from anywhere. I think this is a wonderful initiative,and if this is implemented everywhere,everyone could contribute in their small little ways.

I have also seen people offering grain,food,fruits to deities in temple.A lot of food is wasted this way.God doesnt eat it,we all know that. So what is the point in offering it?We could rather give it to people who could eat it and drive away their hunger.I have strictly followed this,and whenever i go to temples,the amount i would use to give offerings to god, i use it to buy some eatables for the poor.

I am hopeful that the situation will improve one day,and we all need to come together to bring the change,and create HOPE!

Friday, April 3, 2009

My tumultous mornings!

I am in my office and there is not a single soul around...it is so soothing to be sitting in the calmness of my office..away from the chaos of the world around me.It seems like ages when i have got a "silent space" for myself.I used to have one when i was at my old place.This new place gives me creeps. There are so many visitors at my aunt's place,its sickening at times.Every 5 minutes the door bell goes "Open the door please." I wish i could steal away the batteries and throw them in a gutter somewhere...but i know it will not help...There is no paucity of batteries in the market..

Its not only the guests...the people are so noisy there...I am woken up at 3 in the morning after grandmom starts singing her bhajans...forget about me,why doesnt she realize that even god needs some sleep that time of an hour....i press a pillow on my ears and try to sleep nevertheless...barely can i doze off again that my brother comes to the room in search of his uniform, socks, tie, handkerchief, etc..etc..the list is endless...I forgive him for the nuisance..he is a student after all...5 minutes hardly pass when my aunt enters the room,frantically looking for the keys to the store room,her almirah,the second floor...Lord!so many keys and so irresponsible!

Then its my uncle's turn...it sure runs in the family...if you forget the lyrics of any of the songs of the 60s,my home is the place to be....he sings songs i have never heard before..but i am plainly not interested...but its not his concern for sure...So,after all this commotion,no matter how hard i try to give myself some sleep,i just can't get it.So,i decide to leave the comfort of my bed,and be a part of the hubbub...

(P.S. I write this not because its my aunt's place, i would probably be writing the same had i been in my own place...I believe that's how homes are supposed to be..can't help it,can we?)

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Why this culture of Impunity?

No breaking news with that..there was yet another bandh today..well,not one but two...The micro-bus drivers and conductors were agitated because a policeman beat up a driver...and the businessmen were on a protest on the raid that happened around yesterday...I had a difficult time trying to find out a local transport for myself.Everytime i and other passengers got on a tempo,we were very courteously threatened by the chaps to get down and walk to our destinations...It was irritating...but could i do anything??No,i couldnt...In a country where the government is so weak,it is credulous for a common citizen like me to fantasize ways to change the country...Why are people so self-centered in our country..Why is it always we versus they?Dont we belong to the same country?Will not the closure of the shops and transportation affect all including the providers and the users?

The micro-van drivers can do everything they want to...they can drive rash without even thinking of the troubles that they cause to others...charge more than what should actually be charging..be rude to passengers like they are doing a favor by giving a ride to them..use foul language...break traffic rules...and if someone, a policeman in the case tries to intervene,they think they are mistreated...its ridiculous...A funny thought passed my mind...i wish that the micro van drivers go on a perpetual strike...the capital would me much safer without them around..why were they ever introduced as a means of local transportation?and if they were,why were the drivers not provided with proper orientation?i use them everyday but i do that because i have no alternatives...Wish i had better alternatives...

Why are our countrymen the way they are?Why cant we all think like a family?Why is every group fighting against the other?I am starting to get sick of everything around...When will we change for the good...when will we live normal lives?..Why is there this culture of impunity in our country?

So many unanswered question..can anybody help with the answers and give me a reason to be optimistic?

Thursday, February 19, 2009

A Passing Thought

Well, I am back to blogging after a long time, and it feels great actually…what great blessing the internet has showered on us….

I was in an introspection phase all this while…Was thinking over so many things..Today, it’s a Friday and everybody gets excited with the thought of it, including the students…We work so hard all this while and a day off is a welcome change for all….Wish there were many more Fridays….

I met a friend of mine, or I shall say someone who was junior to me in college. We had gone for a talk program together and there she asked me what is the purpose of human life? To slog one’s ass for decades to earn all the name and fame, and of course money? She left me wondering over what she had to say…She is right actually…why do we need to work so hard all our lives? Why do we need to be successful? Another fren of mine always says that happiness is a very individualized thing. A waiter can be happy all his life serving food to the customers, while a millionaire might not be as happy getting everything with the blink of an eye….

It is so important for us to take life as it comes and savor every moment before it is too late…Next time, when you are cursing your luck, just remember the roadside vendor, the maid at your place, the street sweeper, and many others like them…and you will realize you were truly born lucky…and be happy at the thought!!!