Saturday, September 29, 2012

My microbus ride

I hadn't used a public vehicle for a long time now. The microbus ride that I took today made me realize that I have missed those congested rides, the random conversations that people have, on issues ranging from increasing prices, to heartbreaks, to family issues, to that boss who is a jerk.

Using a bike everyday, has kind of made me immune to the surroundings. While I notice the excessive increase in pollution, the after-rain potholes in the city roads, the too many vehicles, even more of people. But there were some things that I certainy missed noticing. The microbus drive was a revelation. The Kathmandu skies covered with kites, the little boys and girls with their lattais, people hurrying with their shopping bags, the more-than-busy malls, and even the air all made me realize that the festive season is here. Dashain is just around the corner, and this is the time of the year, when Kathmandu becomes pristine, when I wake up to the sounds of birds chirping and greeted by the big orange morning sun, and when the misty-morning's fresh air takes away the lethargy.

I had failed to notice these changes, but now since I have noticed the positives, I am a little less bothered by the traffic, the rush, the congestion. I feel happy to know that the country is going to be basking in the festivities in a couple of weeks' time, and hopefully forget, for at least some time, the problems that have been engulfing them!

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

What i think in the middle of the night

Tonight, my sleep was disturbed at 2:00 AM by the sound of a cockroach moving across the room (yes, again). But for the first time, I am thankful to the monster. Luckily, it tried to show its acrobatic skills by jumping from over the almirah. It fell down over its back, and has not been able to jump back on its feet..haha. So it is still struggling hard. It’s an ugly sight, but a relieving one.
Anyway, so why am I thankful to it (he/she??) ? First, I was alerted in a way not to be able to fall asleep again. This gave me a chance to work on an incomplete report which has been pending for ages (read 1.5 years). Second, I got a chance to think over ‘things.’

The ‘things’ are very random. There have been thoughts in my head for a long time, and I have not really expressed them to anyone, not that I intend to, anyway. I feel distant from people, in general. From people, I mean, friends, family, and loved ones. I feel emotionally distant. Everybody has an opinion for me. While the truth is nobody really cares. They say things to boost their egos, to let me know how much more practical they are than me, how they are happier because of the decisions they made, and blah blah. For a change, I don’t react to them. I don’t want to. There is no point. I just accept what they say. My energy is drained out. I just nod, and agree, boosting their egos further. Not that I don’t love them. But just that I don’t feel that my wavelength matches theirs at this point in time.
So, the things I think over makes me realize that after a long time, I have been feeling a better about the turn my life has taken. Everything happens for a reason, apparently. It took me a while to internalize it in a way not to feel miserable. Last year was bad. But then, I realize the value of a better this year. It is not the best, but let’s not go into that. I think I was blinded for a long time. A very long time. But now that I can see things from a clearer perspective, I know that misery will follow us until we let it follow us. It is up to us to close the door and let it go away. I am learning that art, and it is making me happier, more content, so much in a way that I feel aged with all the wisdom J I am no longer angry with anyone, I have no complains, I have no regrets, and I no longer carry the burden that I have been carrying for months. I have learnt to let go. Just like others have. May be this was meant to be how it is. And perhaps, it is the best arrangement for everybody. Just one thing. Wish I was not this empty.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Good times

It is such a relief to be able to talk about yourself to someone who does not judge you for what you have done, or how you feel. Yesterday evening was a delight. The conversation over the bowl of hot and sour soup, tucked inside the blankets, away from the craziness of the city, without the care of anything else, was soothing. It was one of those rare evenings that I look forward to. I love conversations. I love hot and sour soup. I love good company.