Monday, December 27, 2010


I am sitting in my temporary office, and have been making an effort since the morning to complete the profile of a politician, but somehow, everytime I click on that document from the bar, my mind gets drifted apart. My concentration is getting wierd, I swear.

The other team members are here and we have been talking. We Nepalese are really opinionated and can really talk. I am actually enjoying the conversation, which is primarily revolving around the constitution. What will the final book look like? After 2 of the CA members died in two separate accidents, we are left with 599 members who will be responsible for finalizing the document. There are so many flaws in the draft constitution and my team leader just informed me that the most sensitive clause regarding citizenship is severely flawed even after innumerable discussion, debates, and what nots. In her words, "We are moving backwards in time." This is scary, really. The issue of citizenship is very sensitive, more than what you and I can understand.

We also talked about the most discussed issue of this decade (at least in our country), The Royal Massacre of 2001. How we three believe that Deependra did not shoot the family. Ha! As if our opinion matters. But nevertheless, we talk about it!

We also believe that NRNs should not be given with dual citizenship because once a person gives up his/her citizenship, that person should no more get the privilege of being a Nepali. We dont believe that a person can be Nepalese by heart. This is a democratic world and a person is free to chose the country s/he wants to live in, but the choice is limited. Only ONE country, my friends! We are happy that the government has decided to give them with identity cards rather than dual citizenship. O our friends around the world, you are now free to make "your" country prosperous through investments..we need them, truly!

We also talk about how our party leaders are manipulated by bideshi forces. I find it funny that how can one country's leaders be manipulated by outsiders. Strange world it is, really. Among the multitude of other issues that we talk about, I am most intrigued by the one regarding the organization called Monsanto and how they destroyed the lives of thousands of farmers in Indian states including Andra Pradesh and Gujarat. Mass suicides happened during the time, just because the notorious Monsanto tried to change India's cotton economy overnight. Do google it, and I am sure you will be baffled and taken aback. Monsanto has come to Nepal, and I am worried.

When I was thinking that I have wasted a day, I am happy that I learnt, a lot!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Social Media and Me

Well, I have been away from the virtual world for a while. There is no particular reason. I guess I felt a need to be away to realize that there is a world beyond this virtual world..the real world, where i can see my friends' face while having a conversation, rather than receiving the smilies and the superficial hahas and lols. I was kind of getting tired of them. So, I deactivated my facebook account. Believe me, it gives a sense of liberation to be away from FB. You have so much free and productive time for yourself. In my case, well, I have had no free time in a while, but otherwise, it can be great.

Just yesterday, I was reading the assignments of Voices of Our Future Applicants on World Pulse . The first assignment was on Web 2.0 and what benefits and drawbacks it brings along and what are the solutions. It was wonderful reading them. I am one of the Listeners for the program, and my job is to evaluate 5 assignments a week. Evaluations can be tricky and scary since you are writing someone's destiny. But i had to do it. Keeping the evaluation part aside, I was really impressed by what the applicants had to say. Then it dawned on me that its upon us on how we use this virtual world. We need to create our own space and manage it accordingly. So, today, I logged on to my Facebook Account, Clicked on Account>Edit Friends and deleted 150 people from my friends list. No offense to anyone, but I had to do it. What is the point of virtually befriending a person you dont know. Its bugging for both the parties. Their walls get filled in with my updates and mine with theirs. They or I should get updates of people who matter, aint it right?

And here I am, on my blog, writing about my feeling of liberation...Guys, if you share the same emotions like mine, go ahead and log on to your Facebook account. Do I need to give any further instructions? Chao:)

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Once again

Once again, so many people killed in a plane crash. I have nothing much to write about. I just pray that may their soul rest in peace up there. Amen.

Friday, June 11, 2010

The Football Fever

Well, nothing new about it! The fever has spread, and its gonna stay. But luckily, I stay immune, dont really know why. I am not oooh aahhh about the game, but I watch it just like that (if I can monopolize the television set, that is).I got the morning paper to read the news, and yes, I did get to read the news---all about FOOTBALL. I was kind of disappointed. What about my dose of real news? But probably, the editors knew that since the game is starting today, talking or for that matter, writing about anything else would be foolish. May be they are right. Just because I am not too fond of it doesnt mean that they are not catering to the readers' requirements. So, happy reading guys!

Whatever my sentiments for the game, I still believe that it is a great game, and one thing that I love about it is the fact that it brings everyone together...In a world of so many differences, it is nice to see that a game can unite people (the "favorite team" differences are still there, but they are healthy!). People around the world will be watching the game in complete harmony, and millions of people will be sharing the same feelings about their favorite team.

So, during the one month which is going to be about Football, and more Football, I will make an effort to keep myself updated with what's happening in the scene, so that I don't feel left out! :D

Sunday, March 28, 2010

No Answers

I love the solitude of my room...also because its rare. These are times of introspection, when a whirlwind of thoughts cross my mind...some good, some ugly and some just thoughts. Sometimes there is no reason to feel happy, and sometimes melancholy engulfs you, without you even knowing what caused it. Today is one of those times..I am just sad. May be its something at work, or may be it is something my aunt told me, or may be its a blend of both and some more. I realize that it is so easy to be happy, but in this process of seeking happiness, we put in so much effort, that it just flies away, just like a firefly flutters away when we try to get hold of it. It is so difficult to satisfy a human heart, and sometimes there are no answers to the predicament of life.

Someone said that we should take life as it comes, but things are easier said than done!

Monday, January 11, 2010


Rewind 10 years back: I am in my school compound in Birgunj with all my classmates, my juniors, my seniors, and my teachers. The teachers are trying hard to get us all organized for the rally. The occasion is the National Unity Day, a day which was then celebrated with much fanfare, to mark the birthday of Prithvi Narayan Shah, the man responsible for "uniting" the nation.All the schools in my city would come together to celebrate the power of unity.

Today, 10 years later: I am getting late for work, and i zoom off on my bike (oh!my new found source of freedom). As i pass through Singh Durbar's Western Gate, i notice something new...the statue that has many a times been demolished by different groups stands erect, and guess what, the fresh paint was very obvious. It was decorated with garlands, and i kept wondering the reason, and then it struck me..its 27th of Poush (11th of January). There is no any big deal about the day anymore.How sad!

Ever since the country was declared a federal republic, the government has stopped commemorating the day. I don't understand the reason behind the government's decision to do so. Just because the nation's a republic, does it mean that we should not be celebrating unity? To me, the cancellation is just to do with downplaying the royal paraphernalia.

But maybe, the day holds no significance anymore. Just yesterday we had a strike called by the Janamorcha Nepal against federalism. I presume they believe in keeping the nation in its old form since they were protesting against federalism. They probably are the once who still believe in the day,(and are the once who decorated Prithvi Narayan Shah's statue with garlands) but again what is the point of calling a strike and protesting over something thats already done? One group wants a Newa Rajya, and the other group wants a Limbuwan rajya..when the hearts have been divided, whats the point of talking of unity? "Unity In Diversity" is an ideal situation, but I dont see it attainable in the current state.

The government says that in "changed context", the day holds no significance, and that unity can be celebrated in other ways. What are other ways is unfathomable for me, because I hardly see any effort towards integration and with every passing day, the idea of unity in our country is getting bleak.

While returning from office, I once again looked at the statue, and paid my homage to the man who dreamt of a united nation, that's all i can do in the "Changed Contexts!"

Wednesday, January 6, 2010


Its embarrassing that every 6 months I appear on my blog and solemnly vow to keep posting on my blog..I am hopeless at keeping my hopeless I mean utterly useless. Unlike what people think, I can be LAZIER than a cuckoo..wait, cuckoo, sounds familiar..o yeah, no wonder I get my characteristics from this sister called me KUKU (that's my nickname) and she still does. So, should I blame my sister for me being lazy? Stupid metaphor/analogy whatever it is called!

Well, blogging is fun, and more so because I love writing, but I am not too comfortable to pour in my entire self.I can be pretty don't-come-close-to-me types at times, and me not blogging all this while is a result of such feelings...All this while i have stuck to my personal journal, which I use to write everything...its convenient you see...I can backbite about people I am not too fond of(and believe me there are many..not a good sign!), I can share my sorrows (and by blogging about them i don't want to sound like a cry baby, which sadly I am), and I can just blabber, without my cute li'l diary asking me to SHUT UP! See, maintaining a personal journal has so many more benefits. Having said that I have to admit that, I still love being here.

This time, I don't vow to keep posting, but I will certainly try my best...and isn't it good enough? Someone rightly said, "Every accomplishment starts with a decision to try."

Ciao ppl!