Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Social Media and Me

Well, I have been away from the virtual world for a while. There is no particular reason. I guess I felt a need to be away to realize that there is a world beyond this virtual world..the real world, where i can see my friends' face while having a conversation, rather than receiving the smilies and the superficial hahas and lols. I was kind of getting tired of them. So, I deactivated my facebook account. Believe me, it gives a sense of liberation to be away from FB. You have so much free and productive time for yourself. In my case, well, I have had no free time in a while, but otherwise, it can be great.

Just yesterday, I was reading the assignments of Voices of Our Future Applicants on World Pulse . The first assignment was on Web 2.0 and what benefits and drawbacks it brings along and what are the solutions. It was wonderful reading them. I am one of the Listeners for the program, and my job is to evaluate 5 assignments a week. Evaluations can be tricky and scary since you are writing someone's destiny. But i had to do it. Keeping the evaluation part aside, I was really impressed by what the applicants had to say. Then it dawned on me that its upon us on how we use this virtual world. We need to create our own space and manage it accordingly. So, today, I logged on to my Facebook Account, Clicked on Account>Edit Friends and deleted 150 people from my friends list. No offense to anyone, but I had to do it. What is the point of virtually befriending a person you dont know. Its bugging for both the parties. Their walls get filled in with my updates and mine with theirs. They or I should get updates of people who matter, aint it right?

And here I am, on my blog, writing about my feeling of liberation...Guys, if you share the same emotions like mine, go ahead and log on to your Facebook account. Do I need to give any further instructions? Chao:)