Sunday, February 26, 2012

The Art of Forgiving

Few days back, one of my best friends posted a beautiful status on her Facebook wall. It read : " I feel thankful to my Aama everyday.....she has taught me The Art of Giving; and I realise it big a thing it is...and how difficult it is for people to learn it..appreciating, loving, Not everybody can do that!"

Isn't it a beautiful expression? I kept thinking about it, and realized that there are two things that are most difficult for people to practice. One is giving, that my friend already pointed out. The other is forgiving.

Like my friend, it is my mother who taught me the art of both giving and forgiving. Mahatma Gandhi rightly said that "The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is an attribute of the strong." I realize how strong my mother has been. I wont say that I have been very good at it, but I have tried. I have let go off the hurt. I have come out of my anger. I have risen above trivialities.

Obviously, I have made a lot of mistakes. I have probably hurt many. I thank everyone who had a strong heart to forgive me for my mistakes, my words, my decisions.

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