Sunday, November 20, 2011

On Friends

Today I was thinking about friends. I was thinking how strange individuals come into your life, and become a part of it till eternity. Well, you lose some on the path, but those who stick to you are the only ones you can call friends.

Yesterday I met A and B (didn't realize that combo!), with whom I have been friends for more than one and a half decade. Good lord! that's a long time. May be this is the reason that our relationship has transcended into something beautiful, something beyond just friendship. There are few people I share such a relationship with (well, that must be true for almost everyone), and I feel grateful to god for that.

Friends are certainly the fortress of our life. Only they will drum up enthusiasm and tag along when you want to do your nails at a salon. They show interest in your drawing room décor and listen to you for the nth time when the curtains don’t match the sofa covers and come up with intelligent solutions. When you are pushing 70 kgs and bawling the “I am so fat. I don’t know what to do” line, they do not snap and say “So, then exercise” rather give you a patient hearing and talk non-stop about salads, Atkins, gymming machines and yoga teachers till you can almost feel the fat melt.

They scrutinize your man more than they will scrutinize their own partners, because they are more concerned about your life than you yourself are. They will be there for you when your affair with your man blossoms and/if it fails. And if the latter happens, they will tell you how it was not your fault and that there’s a lot of fish in the sea and that he never deserved you and the like (it might not do any good, but they try nevertheless).

They take you on a crazy drive on their scooter on a rainy day without a raincoat to a distant place just to meet their recent crush, and act stupid in front of them, making you feel like a total fool, but still making it a memory you will cherish forever.

They will get drunk and sing the worst songs, dance to the tunes of 'undanceable' songs, laugh for no reasons, and help you forget the pain you have been carrying in your heart for days.

This post is dedicated to all those lovely people I can call 'friends', who have been there for me, who have rejoiced over my happiness, given me faith during hard times, and who let me be just me!

While I had started writing this post for friends in general, I realize that it turned out to be for my 'girlfriends') :)

1 comment:

kritika said...

so true... would as it is apply to my best friends or as u said "Girl-friends" ...