Friday, March 9, 2012

Saturday Morning

Something must be seriously wrong with me. It is a Saturday morning, which I was waiting for a few days now. I wanted to sleep to my heart's content. The week was eventful and overwhelming. I was sleep deprived for few days, and was thinking may be I could use this Saturday to sleep all I wanted to. But I got up at 4:00 this morning.

Its been four hours and I have been on my computer, doing senseless things like googling my friends name to see if there is something new I can find about them (crazy i know), downloading this movie called 'Pyaar ka panch naama' from You Tube, (after all the hype that the movie created, it is a shame that I have still not watched it), made a cup of tea for myself and enjoyed it while listening to all to all the Sufi songs that I have, read few pages of Love in the Time of Cholera (it is a BEAUTIFUL book..highly recommended), stalked some blogs, watched the KONY2012 video (esp because of the controversy it is creating), practiced for my test, and after staring at the screen for about 10 minutes not knowing what to blog about, I am nearly done with it.

And now, when its time to clean and cook, I am drowsy. :(

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